Category: 30 Days Proud

Introduction: 30 Days Proud Project

Introduction: 30 Days Proud Project

Happy New Year, everyone!

As you can see from what I posted above, I am venturing into the world of video for the new year. That was about my 7th or 8th attempt. My first few attempts failed because I had to learn to speak CONFIDENTLY and not sound boring.

Seriously, I sounded like these ladies:

Good times, good times.

I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions, but this project just happened to coincide with the new year. I have depression, and this time of year is usually harder for me. I put on a good front for the sake of the holidays, but I tend not to feel too great inside.

I’m hoping that this project will give me more confidence and help me live more positively.

My husband challenged me to this project because he noticed that every time I talk about one of my accomplishments, I lace it with something negative.

For example, the other day he reminded me about how hard I worked to earn my bachelor’s degree. I immediately followed it up with, “But that was after I dropped out of college, and now most people I know have their master’s degrees.”

That’s my depression talking. So the rule he gave me was that any accomplishments I share or things that I’m proud of cannot be laced with any negativity. I cannot downplay my accomplishments in any way with statements like the above.

The things I’m proud of must also be my OWN accomplishments, or reasons why I think I’m awesome. So the other rule is that I cannot say things like, “I’m proud of my brother for __________.” Each day I have to share something about ME (as much as I love complimenting and recognizing other people).

So here goes! Join me on my journey and share what you’re proud of (if you feel inclined) by using the hashtag #30DaysProud. I intend to use video for this project, but you can share your #30DaysProud in a blog, social media post, etc.

Happy New Year, everyone! I look forward to sharing this project with you for the next 30 days!
