Day 11: Financial Responsibility & Saying No

Today I’m proud that my husband and I have made a commitment to financial responsibility.

A few years ago, before we got married, we took Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace course. It really changed our lives. We became dedicated to saving money for emergencies and other important things, all while paying off some of our debt. We got one car paid off through the process and built up an emergency fund to help us in case life happened.


The process included obtaining a second job to have more income. At one point, I was working 70 hours per week. So was my husband. We were really tired, but kept our eyes on the prize.

We also paid for our entire wedding without using a credit card or going into any debt. Sure, we didn’t have open bar and couldn’t afford the extra niceties the wedding industry works so hard to sell you on, but we still had a great wedding.

We haven’t been THAT intense about our budget and goals lately, but decided after the new year we needed to step it up and get back on track.


Are you looking to do the same? Here’s a list of some seriously stupid things you can cut out of your monthly expenses that will help you get out of debt and save more. It helped us reach our goals and may help you:

  • Stop buying alcohol. Not only is alcohol expensive (especially at restaurants), it increases your caloric intake and your risk for health problems. If it keeps you from reaching your financial goals, cut it out.
  • Stop going out to restaurants. Just stop. Whenever you’re tempted to go out, stop at your local grocery store and buy ingredients to make whatever you were going to order. Yeah, I know it’s more convenient to go out. But if you plan ahead each week you won’t be tempted to go out.
  • Stop going out as much as you do. Budget a little bit each month to go out if you can afford to. You don’t want to become a complete hermit. But stop going out as much as you used to. Your friends will understand when you explain that you’re trying to save money for a house, vacation, or to pay off debt. If they don’t understand and make fun of you for it, they are dumb and you shouldn’t hang out with them. Seriously… look at how much you spend going out. It’s more than you think.
  • High end hair products, makeup, and other hygiene products. As much as you claim you need them, you don’t. You really don’t. You can survive without them. Yeah, you may not look as pretty. But it’s not too pretty to be broke, either. If you use stuff like Proactiv that is more like a medication than a beauty product, THAT IS OKAY. You can still buy that. You don’t need the other stuff.
  • Salon visits. You can definitely do without these. Grow your hair out and get it trimmed every six months or so. You really don’t need to go more than that. I’ve gone without a salon visit for more than a year. You can too. It will be okay.
  • Cable. I haven’t had cable TV for years. I don’t miss it ONE BIT. TV has become unbearably idiotic, and it’s a worthless expense that encourages you to just sit on your ass. I know, sometimes you need something like Real Housewives to unwind after a long day and feel better about yourself, but you’re better off taking a walk outside or reading a book.
  • DVDs, CDs, and other entertainment. Don’t need it. Cut it out.
  • Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts trips. Make your own goddamn coffee, you lazy ass. Purchase or save up for a Keurig if it’s more convenient. You’ll spend a lot less on K-Cups than having someone make your coffee for you.
  • If you’re getting married: Don’t let those asshole vendors play on your sentimentality to make you feel obligated to have fucking favors and a bouquet of flowers on every table. “This is your day!!! You only get married once!!!” Not anymore, bitches. If you can’t afford a big wedding, keep it simple and fun. Fun is all that matters and you don’t need to spend $50,000 to impress people who already love you.
  • Leasing vehicles or rent-to-own furniture: Don’t even talk to me.

