Day 17: I’m Proud of Our Marriage

One of the things I’m most proud of in this life is my relationship with my husband, Greg, and our marriage.


People aren’t lying when they say that marriage is hard. It definitely can be.

But with us, it often feels easy because we are best friends first and foremost. And we genuinely enjoy spending time together. Most importantly, we make each other laugh. I believe laughter is crucial to a successful relationship and marriage!


Greg and I have been married for almost 5 years, but have been companions for 12. It is so weird to think that we’ve been together for that long! It doesn’t feel that long.


We’ve been through a lot during the last 12 years. Long distance dating, Marine Corps boot camp, college, the Iraq War, moving across the country together (twice), taking chances, experiencing successes and failures and remaining strong through them, figuring out what we want to do with our lives, losing loved ones, being faithful to each other, and so much more.


Here are a bunch of things I love about my husband and about being married to him:

1. I like that he worries about me even though I can handle myself.
2. I like the way he says, “Hey you” when I come home.
3. I like the way he smiles at me.
4. Yesterday he told me I looked pretty (even though I hadn’t showered for two days) and that I always look pretty.
5. We build each other up when needed. When I am weak, he is strong, and vice versa.
6. We are in agreement about our finances and work together to be financially responsible and pay off debt.
7. I love the way he has made an effort to learn about mental illness and how to help me through it.
8. I love the way he hugs me.
9. He encourages me.
10. I love his faith in God and how he has helped me increase my faith in God.
11. I love his artistic talent and creative ideas.
12. I like how he challenges me in positive ways.
13. I love how much he loves holidays and birthdays.
14. I love how much he makes me laugh and I love that he laughs at my jokes.
15. I especially enjoy when we’re hanging around the house doing nothing in particular. We always find a way to keep each other entertained!

I could list off a thousand things I love about being married to Greg, but the most important is: together, we can do and get through anything. I’m incredibly proud of that!
