Day 9: I’m Proud to be a Feminist

Today I’m proud that I’m a feminist. I told my husband I was having trouble coming up with things I’m proud of, and he suggested that I cover this topic for Day 9 of my 30 Days Proud project.

I have to admit that I’m having trouble with this, because “Feminist” seems to be a controversial term of late.

It’s baffling to me.

I pride myself on having a sense of humor in regards to my feminism, and wanted to share some fun feminism memes with you to reflect that. However, when I googled “Feminist Memes” and “Feminist Funny,” ALL the results were super negative against feminism. What the fuck.

Being a feminist simply means that I believe in the equality of the sexes. That’s it. I don’t favor women over men or hate men. I don’t feel like I shouldn’t have to do dishes or other domestic shit. I don’t think I deserve preferential treatment in the workplace. I don’t call men stupid or infer that they are stupid. I know that’s sexist and is counterproductive to promoting equality.

True feminism recognizes all genders as equal and believes they should have equal rights and access to things such as jobs, education, healthcare, etc.

If you don’t believe in that, I think you’re an asshole.

There are may factors and experiences which led me to being a feminist who advocates for equal rights. The thing that had the most affect on me was my family. My Mum and Dad raised me to be an empowered woman who is capable of anything. They also raised me to settle for nothing less than respect.

That’s it! That’s why I’m a feminist and what feminism means to me. I’m proud of it. It made me the super cool person I am today.
